Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Edits turned in

I'm such a good girl, I got my edits turned in today. The edits for Passion Ignited were far easier than they were for Dark Seduction; hopefully that means that my skills are improving. Passion Ignited is, so far, my favorite book. Maybe that's just a testament to my truly dark and naughty side...

Either way, I can't wait for everyone to get a chance to read it.

Now that they're turned back in, I should hopefully find out when my release date will be (unless there are more edits that need to be made) - we'll see. This also means that I need to get cracking on finishing the third book and decide if I want to make a book trailer. Don't get me wrong, making trailers is a blast, but it also takes up a lot of much needed writing time.

On a side note, I'm having an internal debate with myself (okay, my characters are) on whose book to work on next. My YA characters have been oh, so patient so far, and I love the story (despite the fact that I didn't final in the writing contest *pout*), but I also love writing about my Guardians.

Decisions, decisions...either way, I'll make some of the characters in my head pissed at me.

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