Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Puzzle-piece cover reveal - Day 3!

Today is day three of the cover reveal, and there is a little more detail starting to come through.
Just for fun, let's do a contest today. All you have to do to enter is leave a comment below on what you think the book is about based on what you can see of the cover. What's up for grabs? How about a free eBook! Look below the cover for more details.

Contest details: To enter, comments must be added to this post by 9:00 am Mountain Time tomorrow, October 2nd, 2013. Winner will be chosen at random and announced in tomorrow's post. The eBook version of this novel will be for Kindle, and will be emailed to the winner's email address if the winner provides me with a valid, personal email address after s/he is announced as the winner.


  1. It looks like a man with his back facing out with a sword behind his back. With some kind of shimmering or veil floating around. So I was thinking with the partial title that it may be a Legion of Fae or Fairy?? Hopefully it is because I loved Garrick and Dani's story and would love to see more about the Fae. But anything you write has been great and I have enjoyed every bit of it. So, whatever this book is about I know I'll love it. Can't wait to see your talent put to work again. Thanks for the good reads!!

  2. Hi Carnivalpo,
    Thanks for commenting! I'm so glad you've enjoyed my books so far. I've entered you into the spreadsheet for the contest. Thanks so much for entering! :D
