Thursday, December 30, 2010

Its all coming back to me now

So, I've been out of it for a while. Not feeling inspired whatsoever. I got the printed copy of my book back and decided to read through it to check for anything that needs to be changed. We'll, I've been making some editorial notes here and there, things I didn't catch before, and all the sudden I'm adding in new parts. Not much so far, but a couple new paragraphs here and there.

It feels good to actually feel a little inspired again, and its pretty fun to read my own work. I'm trying to look at it the same way I would any other book. Trying to pretend I'm not the one who wrote it, and I'm actually enjoying myself! It hasn't been on the backburner for THAT long, but yet I feel like I'm refreshed.

So, here I go again! I'm reading through the book, making changes, and hoping to become all-inspired again. Though sometimes I don't like being bombarded with the voices in my head, I must say that I've missed them the last few weeks. Although they're still in there, they're muted. A lot. But now that I'm reading it again, Draven's right here with me, being the bad-ass that he is, and he's telling me how to modify how things really went. Or maybe not modify, but... enhance my way of describing things.

Friday, December 10, 2010

1st attempt: rejected

Alright, well its officially been long enough since I sent my synopsis and chapter examples to the agent. I can now say that she wasn't interested. One thing I do wish is that they would respond with a rejection of some sort. Instead, we authors have to wait the 6-8 weeks hoping for some sort of reply. Really, this may be a blessing right now anyway since I've been going through a hard time.

The biggest disaster that has ever happened in my life happened a little over a month ago, and my mind hasn't allowed me to concentrate on writing. Although the ideas won't stop running through my head, as soon as I sit down to type, my mind refuses to behave.

I am going to read through my book again (Draven is still pushing his weight around in my head) and see what I missed that he so desperately wants to me to add.

Currently, my sister has my book (I printed it out in book form), and I was planning on letting my other sister read it while she is out visiting for the holidays.

I could read it digitally, but I do LOVE to have the book in my hands -- that goes with any book -- so I think I'll try to read it really quick.

Anywhoo, I met another agent while I was at the writers conference in October. He is the agent for some of my favorite authors, so I'm hoping he'll like my book.

I'll keep you posted on what I decide to do. :o)