Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Time for a read-through

I am so close to finishing the 3rd Immortal Guardians novel that I can just taste it. Now that I'm this close, I think I'll go back to the beginning and re-read what I've written so far so that I can make any adjustments that are needed before I write the ending. I know there are a few other scenes I need to add in, and I want to make sure I get the timing right.

Guess I know what I'll be doing the next few nights after work. :o)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Book Trailer

I've decided to create a book trailer for Dark Seduction to try and get the word out more before it releases. Last night, I spent hours putting together ideas and now I'm trying to decide if I should just go ahead and dump money into it (to buy video and images for it) or if I should do some more homework. I know there are businesses that will create book trailers out there, but I'm not sure what the cost (or quality) would be. On the other hand, there are likely college students who need to get credit and would be willing to help a girl out if it could go in their portfolio.

So, not really sure what to do. I could keep working on it myself (it is kindof fun), but it will take away from my writing time.

Any suggestions or ideas?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

It's nice to be back

I went home last night and started writing. Since all of my characters have been giving me headaches the last few days, trying to get me to write their stories, I decided to just go with the flow and write what scene was pushing on me the most. I cranked out 2,000 words (not my best day, but certainly not my worst) and I'm so excited at how close I'm getting to completing the 3rd Immortal Guardians novel.

Monday, December 12, 2011

Get Cracking!

Now that my first book is well on its way to being published, I can't help but feel motivated. I worked on my 3rd novel a bit last night and the first book in my YA series has started pushing again. But neither of them are being as loud as Nitro. Nitro has apparently decided that I need to write a little bit more about her past and she's pushing really really hard right now for me to a certain part in the 2nd Immortal Guardians novel.

I set a goal for myself last week and didn't even come close to meeting it, so I'm setting another goal for this week and hope to not only meet it, but also make up for what I lacked last week. With any luck I'll have the 3rd novel done and ready for editing in no time!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Dark Seduction Cover!

We're well on our way to releasing Draven's book. I've signed with Evernight Publishing and I'm so excited to share the cover for the first novel in the Immortal Guardians series, Dark Seduction.

Monday, December 5, 2011

New website!

Oh! I forgot to mention that I'm also building a brand new website. Check it out at

Let me know what you'd like to see!

I'm back

I'm really excited for this week. A publisher liked my first novel and I've signed a contract to have it published with them! I'm also planning to knock out a bunch of writing since I won't be able to hang out with my hubby, which also means that I should be able to write a whole lot. With the holiday season being upon us I've felt like a serious slacker, but I'm hoping that all of that will change this week. If I keep at it, I should be able to have this 3rd novel completed in no time.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Holiday slow-go

Yes, I'm a slacker. I'm not sure why I've sucked these past few weeks, but I've hardly gotten anything done. There goes getting a book written in two months, LOL! Hopefully after the holidays I'll get back on track. I'm really hoping to after Thanksgiving, but I have a feeling that Christmas will be just as crazy.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Three-quarters of the way done

I just hit 60,000 words on my third novel in the Immortal Guardians series. So, that means that with my minimum total word count goal, I'm 3/4 of the way done! Or if I go with my maximum word count total, then at least I am over 1/2 way done with it. Woo-hoo! Its been hard since I've been sick for the last week and that has completely ruined my energy to do anything, but I'm excited that the book is really coming along.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

So excited

I've been sick the last few days with what some call the Zombie Plague Flu aka that crazy cold that is spreading throughout the US and - from what my sister tells me - Scotland. However, that being said, I've been pretty down about being sick because it's meant that I haven't had the energy to write or edit ANYTHING!
But, my day got considerably better yesterday afternoon because a Publisher has requested my FULL Manuscript for Dark Seduction! They have read my query letter (have I mentioned how many times I revised that thing?), synopsis (that has been revised up the wazoo too), and the first three chapters, and still wanted to read the Full!

Okay, breathe, breathe. I'm not getting my hopes up, but this is a huge step in being an author. My foot is at least on the threshold keeping that door wedged open, though I'm not quite through the door yet.

Draven, you better shine for me baby.

*Fingers crossed they like the full story.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

A Slacker at her best

At least, that's sort of how I feel. Usually I get a lot of writing done when my wondermous hubby has to work. Well, this weekend I'm spendig cleaning because my house is a complete wreck.

Hopefully I can squeeze in some writing time though because I've got a couple people who are dying to read the 3rd novel in the series, and I'm seriously motivated to write the story.

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Okay, I'm kinda proud of myself

As you just read from the title, I'm kinda proud of myself. For some reason I thought I'd started my 3rd novel in the Immortal Guardians series on October 2nd, but in reviewing my notes, I started in on October 11th. I officially hit my half-way point (for the minimum I want the novel to be) on Friday, so that means that I completed half of the book in 17 days! I'm pretty proud of myself, seeing how I have a full-time job. Hopefully I can keep it up because I think it would be incredible to be able to finish it in less than two months.
And lets not mention how I'm getting pressure from someone who read the 1st two and can't wait for the third... cough, cough.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Not too shabby, I guess

Well, I've been keeping pretty busy. I ended up setting my new series aside so that I could work on another book in the Guardians series, and I'm proud to say that I'm a 1/4 of the way done with it (as far as my word count goal is concerned). Some days, I'm able to knock out around 5,000 words in the novel, others are considerably lower or non-existent. I think that's because I'm forcing it, and its wearing me out.

Or maybe the Guardians are actually trying to slow me down now that I'm focusing all my attention on them. That would be weird, but they are usually the ones who get me to do what they want, so maybe they're trying to get me to slow down, LOL.

Anyway, I'm hoping to knock out a few more thousand words today. I doubt I'll reach the point of 1/3 of the way through, but maybe I can get there before the weekend.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sent them off

Well, I just sent off partials for both of my completed Immortal Guardians novels. This is the first time I've sent both (the first time I've sent Raider's book), so I'm excited and nervous to hear feedback.

Wish me and my boys luck!!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Query Letters

Last night I worked on tweaking my query letter for Dark Seduction. I'm going to read through it again with fresh eyes since I was exhausted last night, but I'm hoping that the letter is polished. I also need to read through  my synopsis and see if there is anything I need to change in that. If not, then I can send to the editor who I pitched to at the conference.


I also need to work on Seduction Ignited's query letter and synopsis. Hopefully I can work on those today, but I don't want to rush it and send sub-par work. The Guardians deserve the best effort I can give them.

My wonderful hubby is home with me today, and since I hardly get to see him, I definately want to spend time with him. So, we'll see if I get any writing done today, but hopefully I can crank out something.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


On the heel of my last post, I figured I'd talk about my pitch at the conference. I originally intended on pitching my first Immortal Guardians book, Dark Seduction, but after a few suggestions from other people, decided to pitch the second one - and yes, I'm about to finally tell you the title - Seduction Ignited.

Let's just say, I learned a lesson.

If your first novel in a series hasn't been published, then that is really the only one you should be pitching.

The editor that I pitched to yesterday stopped me about a minute into my pitch (embaaarrrraaasssssiiiinnng), and told me to pitch the first one. So, I stopped, switched the focus of my mind, and pitched Dark Seduction. I'm still trying to decide if maybe this was a blessing in disguise, because normally, if I'd just pitched the first one in the series, then she likely wouldn't have known about the second.

Why is this important you ask?

Well, you see, because she was at least aware that a 2nd one existed (and it came up that there are several more on the way), she asked for partials on BOTH novels! Now, I'm not saying that it will go anywhere. It's hard to assume anything when there is a 95% rejection rate, but I can say that I'm excited that she was interested not only my novel(s), but the series.

I can only hope, at this point, that she enjoys my writing style and loves the Immortal Guardians every bit as much as I do.

Heart of the West Writer's Conference

Well, I just got home from the Utah RWA's Writer's Conference. It was held in beautiful Park City, UT that - believe it or not - already had snow! Not very deep, but still. The ladies in the Utah Romance Writer's of America are an amazing bunch. I had so much fun and learned information that will help me in my writing career. I am so glad that I attended the conference, and can't wait for next year's to come around.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Oh no. . . Not again

So, I started writing another new book today. WHY CAN'T I STOP STARTING NEW PROJECTS??
I'm going to drive myself mad!
Really, there just needs to be more hours in the day so that I can somehow write an entire book every single week so that I can keep up with all the characters that are yammering on inside my head.

Now I need to spend equal time between three projects... How in the world am I going to pull this off?

Friday, September 23, 2011

Done with editing Book #2!

I finished my first-round editing on Raider's book last night and I've sent it off to a few friends so they can read it. I'm dying to get feedback on it so that I know if I need to change/fix anything.

So, I guess for now I can jump on the new series again and see how much I can write in that one before the results come back. :o)

Thursday, September 15, 2011


E-books, E-books, E-books... Not quite as good as the real deal, but still pretty powerful.

I. Love. Books.

And I don't mean just any books, I mean actual printed-on-paper, flip through the pages books. I own very few E-books because I love the smell and feel of having an actual book in hand. But, that being said, after going back and forth on it for a few weeks, I finally decided to submit my first Immortal Guardians novel, Dark Seduction, to an e-publisher. I researched a lot of different companies and found one that I think is perfect. If they accept my submission (which I sent to them not even an hour ago), they would publish my novel in an E-book format. If that sells well and there is a demand for actual publication, then they offer that as well.

So, what did I send them you ask? Well, I sent them what is probably my 15th revision of my query letter, my 10th revision of my synopsis (hey, its hard to get the story of a 100,000 word book down to just a few pages...) and the first 3 chapters of my novel. I decided to send the prophecy that holds a spot right in the beginning of the book, before any of the story line comes into play. Okay, okay, I know its not the best idea to send "prologue" type stuff when querying, but I feel that the prophecy is really powerful, and I wanted whoever reads my submission to be drawn in by it. Warning: Tooting my own horn in three, two, one... The prophecy is pretty bad ass. Did I mention that it just came to me one day and I wrote it in, like, minutes? Hmm, maybe I'm related to the Fates or something. :o)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The hunt for the perfect pen name

I've been on the hunt for a while for the perfect pen name. I originally started out using my regular name, but then decided to use my maiden name. Let's just say that a friend of mine scared me off that idea after using some black-market system to find absolulely every bit of information about me (I think it may have only missed my bra-size, but who knows if I just overlooked that one).

After going through about four or five more names, I think I've finally figured out. I had my heart set on a different last name (no, I won't tell you what it is), but I found out that the name I wanted happens to belong to someone who let's just say 'acts' in adult movies.


Yeah, no go there.

So after researching a lot of names and fitting it with Katalyn, I've finally decided on Katalyn Sage. Wish me luck, I'm submitting to some publishers tomorrow!

Friday, August 26, 2011

I Came, I Saw, I... Failed

I finally heard back on the results from the HOW contest. I tried not to get my hopes up, but, its hard when you've put a lot of work into it. At least I got some feedback that I can work with in all the upcoming revisions  I will no doubt start ASAP. Which, by the way, I've already revised the beginning of Draven's book. Most of it is completely different from what I submitted, and his had the better score (Hmmm...)

So, this is what I got.

On Draven's book (the 1st in the Immortal Guardians series), my scores were. Each judge could give a max of 135:

On Raider's book (the 2nd in the Immortal Guardians series), I got:

I could tell the same three people judged both. Oh well, back to the drawing board.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm going mad... Mad I tells ya!

Okay.... I just have to blog about it because all this pent up tension is just going to explode.

I entered the Heart of the West Writers Contest which I was supposed to hear if I did well/sucked by August 20th. Due to unforeseen issues with a few judges they weren't able to tell us who the finalists were. I've been in super lip- and nail-biting mode ever since.

So today, I got an email (because I'm in the URWA) and someone mentioned that they weren't a finalist.... How did they find out???!?!?! Also, my friend, who also entered the contest, got an email stating that she isn't either (which is crazy because her book is amazing)... Why don't I have any details on how I did or who the finalists are?

I'm going mad!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

I went for it

I decided that I would go for it. I spent a little time yesterday researching editors and found on that I decided was worth a shot. I sent my first five pages to her so that I can see a sample of her work. Of course, sending this to her immediately made my stomach flip-flip and I'm feeling nervous and excited about it.

For anyone who knows me, they know I'm a worry wart. What if she thinks my writing sucks? What if the storyline is boring to her (which I don't have to worry about yet since its just the first five pages--which I have to like quite a bit)? What if (if we decide to have her do the whole novel) her quote is too high and I can't afford to have her edit it? On the flip side, what if she really likes my work? What if we turn out to be an amazing team? What if she likes it so much that she wants to see Raider's book?

I already have an incredible critique group, and their feedback has been invaluable... which reminds me, I need to send them my 2nd book... But I still can't get over the nervousness that sending a piece of my work off has created.

That coupled with the fact that I'm still waiting to hear back on the writer's contest has got me (literally) biting my nails and my lips.

I'm going crazy, and feeling sick while doing it.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Considering E-Pubbing

As a member of the RWA, I frequently receive emails on different trainings, conferences, and even just regular chit-chat.

I got an email today, and it surprisingly went along with something I've been considering doing for a while. An author listed out her successes with E-publishing, listing the amount of E-Books she's sold since she uploaded them few months. Now, I know not everyone has the same experiences, but I was seriously shocked at how well her book was selling. So, I think I'll start researching freelance editors who would be interested in editing my 1st (and possibly 2nd) book. I figure that if I can't get my foot in the door with agents or publishers, then at least I can go down this road and get myself out there.

We'll see what happens. Like I said, I have a lot of research ahead of me, but hopefully you'll see my books on the shelves (er, virtual ones) soon!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Hating the Game

I just received another rejection from an agent. Seriously, I don't know if the concept of my books suck (sorry, boys), or if I just suck at writing the query letter. At least this agent replied with some feedback that I can work with. She said that she just didn't feel compelled to want to know more. So, I guess I'll revise my query letter yet again in hopes that I can capture the right agent's interest.

On a side note, I've been editing Raider's book (whenever I find time) and have even written some more scenes in one of my YA novels. I'm trying to work on my books as often as I can; I really don't want to lose motivation, and rejections really put a dampering on the writing mood.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

2 Down, a million to go

I've completed Raider's book, so that marks my 2nd completed book in the Immortal Guardians series. I am so excited about his book. I think it turned out really well. Of course, I need to go back and edit, but I'm seriously excited that I've finished his book!!

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Don't laugh at me

Alright, I went ahead and joined the RWA. I just had to participate in the Golden Pen... why not, right? So now, my heart and soul will be on display for a bunch of judges to read and... well, judge... So my nerves are just a-rackin'. Here's to hoping I place one or both of my books in the Utah or the National, or both...

Can we say 70,000 words?!?!

Yep, I just passed 70,000 words in Raider's book, I am so close to finishing this one that its crazy, and I'm still actually writing the end. Likely as soon as I'm done writing, I'll go back through and edit it a few times, but the point is, I'm almost done with his book, which means there is (hopefully) one less voice in my head, which also means one less Immortal Guardian in my head.

Grins all around, its a good day!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

The Highs and the Lows

Last weekend I set a goal to write 5,000 words in the 2nd Immortal Guardians book. I was so exstatic that I completed my goal, and it put me into major 'motivation mode.'

That was my high.

So you might be asking, "what was your low?"

My low is that I haven't written one word ALL WEEK! I've been so tired after work (not sure why) that I haven't had any energy to write. So basically, my week has consisted of driving, working, cooking, eating, and sleeping; and I just haven't had the time or energy to write!
So I'm going to try to do SOMETHING tonight. I don't care if its just a page, or maybe even a paragraph. Heck, I don't care if all I get down is a flipping sentence (except that would irritate me, LOL).

So, I'm going to try to right my low. Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 2, 2011

New laptop

I just got back from the store with a brand-new laptop. I found it way too difficult to try to write on my desktop (which is a complete piece of crap), so my wonderful hubby said I could buy a laptop so I can work wherever the mood strikes me. I've missed that ever since I lost my last laptop (which was just a few days), so I'm really glad I have one again.

Speaking of writing, I better get back to work. I broke 60,000 words, so I'm getting close!

Monday, June 27, 2011

A pretty good day

Well, I really have no room to complain today. I just write 2,930 words in Book #2. Sure, that may not seem like a lot to some people, but when you're as far into a book as I am, I think that's pretty good.

Hopefully I can keep up the pace so I can finish Book #2. I can't wait to see the full version all printed out!

Saturday, June 25, 2011


My horoscopes are frequently dead-on. It's pretty weird actually, and has been known to freak some people out. I just looked at mine for today, and I've got to say that I'm really hoping that its accurate. The first sentence says:
"New career opporunities, perhaps involving writing or speaking, could appear on the horizon along with the current planetary enegy."
I freaking hope so! I'm so ready for my boys to make their appearance. I really hope that this horoscope is dead on, just like it is many other times. Maybe everyone will know my name soon enough. :o)

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Distractions, Distractions

Wow, I have really tried to focus this weekend. Really, I have. But, I keep finding myself distracted. 'Ooh, that new book is really good, I should really keep reading it.' 'Hey, its hot outside, maybe a dip in the pool would be fun.' 'Hey, why don't I try to make a flowering onion, it can't be hard, right?' (which, by the way turned out to taste FANTASTIC, it just looked really ugly.)

So basically what this boils down to is....
I suck!

My boys need attention. Sure, I wrote over 1,000 words last week in their 2nd book, but in the grand scheme of things, thats really not a lot. And its not enough. In addition to my boys needing their time, so do my other series. And, what's frustrating, is that the new book I just bought, well, let's just say that there are some similitarities to one of my teen series that has upset me. Sure, the storyline is different, but some of the scenes I've already planned out are all too close to some scenes in the book I just read. GRRR.
Oh well. I'll just have to make sure that I make it my own.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Attention? Not sure I have attention span left...

I've been a slacker with keeping up on my blogs. Oh, and with writing...

My hubby and I just celebrated our 10 year anniversary, and I've found myself getting extremely distracted. I made myself find time today, and I sat down and edited Draven's book for four hours. Now, I'm going to try to work on Raider's. But why, oh why does the swimming pool have to look so tempting outside the window?

Anyone who knows me personally knows that my mind never sleeps. During all hours of the day, I'll be working on projects, but my mind is also going through the stories that I still need to write (or the one's I've written). At night, when I try to sleep, my mind does the same thing. I feel like I'll never get rest until I actually get these suckers down. Which leads me to my next comment.

My other series is pushing to the forefront. I'll be thinking of my Guardian series, and my other one will make an appearance. I only wish there were enough hours in the day to get everything down.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Query #4

I just sent off Query #4. This time I actually sent it to a publisher rather than an agent. Fingers crossed I'll get better results. So, I know I'll need to do some more research and submit more queries, but to be honest, I'm just glad that I have it out there at least once. Hopefully I can find others that look trustworthy enough to submit to, but I'll just take it one step at a time. Afterall, my boys might not wait around forever, and I really need to get their stories down.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The waiting game

I am soooo not a fan of the waiting game. I submitted a query to an agent three and a half weeks ago, and I haven't received any type of a response. Not a 'hey, got your email, we'll read it as soon as possible,' really, I'd appreciate something so that I know it reached the right hands. I know that you're supposed to wait 6 weeks for a response, but who really has time for that? Agents don't like you submitting to someone else while you submit to them, but I really feel like the waiting game is complete crap.

So, I'm going to start researching other agents, or possibly publishers. I know there are some publishers out there who say its mandatory to go through an agent, but there are many others who don't. So, between projects I think I'll go ahead and start researching others to submit it to. Some authors submit to 5, 10, 15, or even 20 or more agents/publishers at a time, and I bet its those authors that get a deal sooner. I guess its time to play research-girl.


My favoritist grandma in the whole wide world has been itching to read Raider's book. I've held off from printing any of it for her for a while now,  but decided 'what the heck,' and printed some up for her last night. She absolutely loved Draven's book, so I couldn't withold Raider from her any longer. I think this will get me to get my butt in gear and finish his book (even though I'm almost constantly tempted to edit Draven's).

I decided to modify Draven's book as things come to me (which I've done a lot of the last few days), but to mainly focus on Raider. I'm proud to say that I'm about half way done with it, meaning that I've set a word goal for the book and I'm just a hair off from reaching the half-way point.

I bet grandma will have the 140 pages I gave her done really quick, and I'd better be ready to give her more.
Cue 'butt in gear.'

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Draven is winning

Alrighty then, Draven has captured my attention yet again. Apparently I didn't get some things quite right in his story with Ally, so he's helping me to fix it. Hopefully I can get the book to where the Guardians are happy (or as happy as they can be - some are just ornery asses... Honestly). As for Raider, he's actually being pretty patient. I guess he realizes that he'd rather have my full attention instead of partial.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Added a new blog!

I've decided to break off and do a seperate blog just for the Guardians. Look for specifics on the characters sometime in the future at!

Here I go again (uh... again)

Well, I decided to go ahead and submit Draven and Ally's book to another agent. I emailed queried an agent last night and hope to receive a response within the next few weeks. Keeping my fingers crossed! :o)

I also started going through editing their book again. I know, I've done a ton of that, but I can't help it. If anyone's ever heard an author say that they're never happy with their book, well, it's true. Your book will NEVER be 100% perfect. But, since I haven't had any bites yet, I might as well improve what I can while I can.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Annnnnd... Repeat of last post

I received yet another rejection. Dang. I am really hating this 95% rejection rate. So, now I'm trying to decide if I need to go through my book again and see what sucks, or if I should just go ahead and start submitting it to more agents. I may even submit it to a few publishers to see if I have any luck there.

Sunday, April 10, 2011


I failed to mention that I received my first rejection letter. I mailed a query to an agent in New York on a Monday night, only to have received a rejection letter one week and a day later. Honestly, I was surprised at the speedy response. Not really sure how my letter made it all the way to New York to have the agent read it, decide against it, and send a rejection letter that quickly - but it happened.

Anyhoo - I know there is a 95% rejection rate, so I really shouldn't be surprised. At this point, I'm thankful that the agent was considerate in sending me anything, since many don't respond in any way.

I just submitted another query to another agency, and am keeping my fingers crossed. Even though I'll likely be rejected again, I'll remain hopeful for now that someone will see the potential that my Guardians have to offer. They really are amazing, and I'd love the chance to keep unravelling their story.

Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Well alright then

Wow, that goal I set was waaaaaay to difficult. I didn't even get close. I've realized (since setting that goal) that it was causing me to ignore everyone around me. So... I'm going to change my goal by a lot. I'm now shooting for 5,000 each week until I'm in the final modification stage of Raider's book. As much as I'd like to finish the book, 10,000 is just unrealistic since I also work full time. On the up side, once I stopped worrying so much about reaching that goal, other ideas popped into my head for future Guardian books -- which is awesome since I can start hinting at things in these earlier books. So, even though I can't do the 10K goal, I'm excited about what's going on.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


A few days ago, I made myself a goal. 10,000 words each week for the next seven weeks. It sounds like a lot, and really, it is. But I'm seriously hoping I can achieve it. As long as I can stay focused (which, let's face it, I've sucked at lately), I think I'll be able to easily achieve this for maybe three or four of the weeks. After that, I really think its going to be difficult.

Since I write the general idea of the book first, then go back and add in details (and wash, rinse, repeat) it becomes increasingly difficult to write that many words. Most of the time I can only pull something like that off when I need to write a brand new chapter, instead of reading through the existing stuff and adding more detail, or hell, even modifying the sucker.

I'm proud to say that I am a third of the way done with Raider's book (basing it on the size of Draven's), and am extremely excited with how it has turned out so far. My mind keeps wandering forward to future books, my boys are anxious to come out and play. It is keeping me really excited, but really I just need to focus on Raid.

I'm counting my weeks from Friday to Thursday, so right now I'm at over 3,000 words for my week. As long as I can keep myself motivated (and fight the sleepy-sleep that invades my life after work), I think I can reasonably beat this week's goal. I have four days to write 7,000 words.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Great writing weekend

This weekend has been amazing for writing! It's only Saturday and I've already written 6,000 words! I'm hoping to crank out some more this weekend since I'm completely motivated right now.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Here I go again

This weekend has been a productive one. Not that other recent days haven't been - I've actually stayed quite busy. I've made some new edits to my first novel in the Immortal Guardian series, and I've also been working on the 2nd one. On days I've felt more motivated by the other series, I've worked on that.

So, here I go again. I've typed up a new query letter for an agent that I met at the RWA Conference in October, and I'm mailing it to him tomorrow. I seriously hope that he likes my work as I think we would make a great team. He's actually represented a few of my absolute favorite authors, so it seems like it'd be a good fit.

I know it will probably take six weeks to hear back, but I'm hoping for good new a lot sooner. Wish me luck!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Oh boy

I am reading an AMAZING series right now. I can't put the sucker down. But, something else has happened since I've started reading it - another new series idea. It doesn't really have anything to do with the series I'm reading, but something just triggered inside my brain.

I know what you're about to say. Really Kristie? Don't you have enough projects already?

I can't help it! I have soo many ideas floating around in here. So many characters, so many encounters, and so many amazing scenes - I can't even think straight.

So, what's my plan? Well - I'm going to try to at least type up the general idea of what this new series will be. Depending on how motivated I am by it, I might keep working on it, or I might go back and work on the 2nd book in my Guardian's series, which I'm motivated by right now as well. Those boys are close to my heart, and I hate that I've been putting them on hold.

Thankfully Raider is patient with me.

Oops - did I just say that?

Talking' shop

Life has been really crazy lately. Work has been over-the-top busy, and I've hardly had any energy to do anything after work. I've cranked out a couple thousand words here and there, but not nearly what I've wanted to accomplish.

One thing I've found that is a major stress reliever is talkin' shop. Okay, yeah, I don't work at an auto shop or anything, what I mean is talking to other authors about what they're working on. I can't believe how much fun it is to fill others in on what I've been up to, as well as hear what they're working on.

A friend from work is writing a novel that I'm betting with be HUGE. I'm sooo excited for her and can't wait to start reading it!

I've also found that talking about it really motivates me. Even if I don't end up having time or energy to actually write when I get home, at least I'm always thinking about it. I know, as soon as things slow down a little at work and I have time to breath again, that I'll be able to crank out some amazing books.

Monday, January 17, 2011

A pretty good night

Alright, alright, I've been a slacker lately. I don't know why, but I've been super tired after coming home from work lately, and I haven't had any energy to actually write.
So I made myself write tonight.
And wouldn't you know it, I got 2.000 words down in my new 2nd book. And I believe that its title came to me tonight, not that I'll tell you what it is yet (MUAHAHAHAHAAA). Hopefully I can pull the same magic the rest of the week. If I can average around 2,000 words a night, I'll catch up pretty quickly.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Too funny

I'm watching Private Practice with my sweet hubby, and its the episode where Violet wrote a book and it got picked up by a publisher. Anyhoo - she's having her friends read her book and she keeps checking on them asking if it sucks, if its boring, etc., and I couldn't help but laugh.

That is exactly me!

I keep doing that to the people who read my book. I just thought it was too perfect, so we are saving that episode in the DVR so that if I ever need to make sure I'm not crazy, I can watch that part and understand that every writer goes through it.

You don't have to tell me twice... Oh, you do?

So, I've been stuck for a while, not feeling like writing anything. It's been crazy at work (which I actually enjoy being super busy anyway), but lately, its been sucking the life from my brain. When I get home from work, I'm so mentally exhausted that I haven't been able to write a thing.

So I read most of my book and started to realize what the characters in my head have been trying to say. It's not Thrash's turn yet. Yes, he's telling me to write his story, but its just not time to tell it yet. So, while I do have a good chunk of his book written, it'll just have to wait.

Today I started writing more in my Guardian's series and I'm pretty excited about it since it seems to flow well from my first book. There are a few changes I'll have to make to Dark Seduction, but I think in the long run it's what I (and the characters) need.